
Get threads


Retrieves threads in the given time range.

Request body

Key Type Description Default
from string

The start of the range, as an ISO 8601 string. The date comparison is made against the timestamp of the last message in the thread.

to string

The end of the range, as an ISO 8601 string. The date comparison is made against the timestamp of the last message in the thread.

order "asc" | "desc"

The order of the results based on the date.

limit number

The maximum number of results to return.

page number

The page index.

answeredStatus "answered" | "unanswered" | "partially_answered"

The answered status.

metadata array

A list of metadata filters.

tags array

A list of tags (case sensitive). Filters the tags on the messages within the thread, not the entire thread.

threadTags array

A list of tags (case sensitive). Filters the tags on the thread, not the individual messages.

csat 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Thread CSAT score.

ces 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Thread customer effort score.

sentiments array

A list of sentiments (between -2 and 2).

urgencies array

A list of urgency scores (from 1 to 4).

escalated boolean

Whether the thread is escalated or not.

functionName string

The name of a function that was called.

expand string

If set to data.messages, expand the thread object to include associated messages.

includePlaygroundData boolean

If set to true, include threads that originate from the playground.

projectKey string

Instead of the API token, use a project key, for instance for client-facing requests.

Example request

1curl "" \
2  -X GET \
3  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
4  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
5  -H "Accept: application/json" \
6  -H "X-Markprompt-API-Version: 2024-05-21"


The response is of the form:

2  "object": "list",
3  "data": [
4    {
5      "id": "thread-id-1",
6      "assistantId": "assistant-id-1",
7      "assistantVersionId": "assistant-version-id-1",
8      "createdAt": "2025-01-12T04:40:27.000000+00:00",
9      "lastMessageCreatedAt": "2025-01-12T04:40:31.000000+00:00",
10      "answeredStatus": "answered",
11      "firstUserMessage": "How do I process a refund?",
12      "messageCount": 2,
13      "tags": ["Billing", "Platform"],
14      "threadTag": "Billing",
15      "functionNames": null,
16      "ces": 6,
17      "cesReason": {
18        "reason": "The user was not able to find the refund process in the platform and tried several options before getting assistance."
19      },
20      "csat": 3,
21      "csat_reason": "The agent did not mention the refund process with my processor.",
22      "votes": null,
23      "sentiments": [0],
24      "urgencies": [1],
25      "metadata": {
26        "plan": "business",
27        "userId": "user-id-1"
28      },
29      "extras": {
30        "origin": ""
31      }
32    }
33    // ...
34  ]

It contains aggregated information about the messages in each thread, such as the average CSAT score and the highest urgency score, as well as a general assessment of whether the conversation can be considered as answered (or unanswered, or partially answered).

Expanded threads

When adding expand=data.messages to the request body, threads are returned together with associated messages.

1curl "" \
2  -X GET \
3  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
4  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
5  -H "Accept: application/json" \
6  -H "X-Markprompt-API-Version: 2024-05-21"

The response looks like this:

2  "object": "list",
3  "data": [
4    {
5      "id": "id-1",
6      // ...
7      "messages": [
8        {
9          "id": "message-id-1",
10          "createdAt": "2025-01-12T04:40:27.000000+00:00",
11          "role": "user",
12          "content": "How do I process a refund?",
13          "tags": ["Billing"],
14          "sentiment": 0,
15          "urgency": 0
16        },
17        {
18          "id": "message-id-2",
19          "role": "assistant",
20          "createdAt": "2025-01-12T04:40:31.000000+00:00",
21          "config": {
22            "systemPrompt": "You are a helpful AI assistant!",
23            "payloadConfig": {
24              // ...
25            }
26          },
27          "content": "You can create a refund...",
28          "vote": 1,
29          "answered": true,
30          "sentiment": 0,
31          "references": [
32            // ...
33          ]
34        }
35      ]
36    }
37    // ...
38  ]


Here is an example that filters on metadata and tags:

1curl -X GET -G \
2  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
3  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
4  -H "Accept: application/json" \
5  -H "X-Markprompt-API-Version: 2024-05-21" \
6  -d "limit=10" \
7  -d "from=2025-01-12T00%3A00%3A00" \
8  -d "to=2025-01-13T00%3A00%3A00" \
9  --data-urlencode "tags=[\"Billing\"]" \
10  --data-urlencode "metadata=[{ \"op\": \"eq\", \"field\": \"plan\", \"value\": \"starter\" }]" | jq

Supported metadata filter operators are: eq, neq, gt, lt, gte, lte, like, ilike, in, is, contains, containedBy, overlaps.

Thread messages


Retrieves messages within a thread.

Example request

1curl "" \
2  -X GET \
3  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
4  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
5  -H "Accept: application/json" \
6  -H "X-Markprompt-API-Version: 2024-05-21"


The response is of the form:

2  "object": "list",
3  "data": [
4    {
5      "id": "message-id-1",
6      "createdAt": "2025-01-12T04:40:27.000000+00:00",
7      "role": "user",
8      "role": "what is markprompt in three words?",
9      "urgency": 1,
10      "sentiment": 0
11    },
12    {
13      "id": "message-id-2",
14      "createdAt": "2025-01-12T04:40:31.000000+00:00",
15      "response": "AI, support, API",
16      "csat": "4",
17      "systemPrompt": "You are kind AI who loves to help people!",
18      "config": {
19        // ...
20      },
21      "references": [
22        // ...
23      ]
24    }
25  ]

Update a thread


Updates a thread.

Request body

Key Type Description Default
csat 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 0

A CSAT score. Set to 0 to clear value.

csatReason string

A CSAT reason.

metadata object

A metadata object.

strategy "merge" | "overwrite"

The update strategy. If set to merge, it will merge with the existing fields. If set to overwrite, it will replace the existing fields.


Example request

1curl "" \
2  -X POST \
3  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
4  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
5  -H "X-Markprompt-API-Version: 2024-05-21" \
6  -d '{
7      "metadata": { "category": "payments" },
8      "csat": 3,
9      "csatReason": "The agent did not mention the refund process.",
10      "strategy": "merge"
11    }'

Example: tracking escalations

In order to mark a thread as escalated, simply attach a caseNumber to the thread metadata. For instance, you may create a case on Salesforce Case, obtain a case number, and then post it to Markprompt:

1curl "" \
2  -X POST \
3  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
4  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
5  -H "X-Markprompt-API-Version: 2024-05-21" \
6  -d '{
7      "metadata": { "caseNumber": "10238347" }
8    }'


This API is subject to a limit of 100 requests per minute per project.