
Get knowledge generations


Retrieves knowledge generations in the given time range.

Request body

Key Type Description Default
from string

The start of the range, as an ISO 8601 string.

to string

The end of the range, as an ISO 8601 string.

limit number

The maximum number of results to return.

page number

The page index.

expand string

If set to, expand the knowledge object to include source reviews that led to this knowledge generation.

projectKey string

Instead of the API token, use a project key, for instance for client-facing requests.

Example request

1curl "" \
2  -X GET \
3  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
4  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
5  -H "Accept: application/json" \
6  -H "X-Markprompt-API-Version: 2024-05-21"


The response is of the form:

2  "object": "list",
3  "data": [
4    {
5      "id": "knowledge-id-1",
6      "title": "Add Information about Payment Resolution",
7      "originalContent": "## Payment resolution...",
8      "newContent": "## Payment resolution...\n\n@@++\n* If you are using Stripe for payment processing\n++@@\n...",
9      "reason": "It is to explicitly inform users that...",
10      "sourceName": "File Source 1",
11      "filePath": "file-path-1",
12      "createdAt": "2025-01-12T04:40:27.000000+00:00",
13      "sources": [
14        {
15          "threadId": "thread-id-1"
16        },
17        {
18          "reviewId": "review-id-1"
19        }
20      ]
21    }
22    // ...
23  ]

Expanded knowledge

When adding to the request body, knowledge generations are returned together with associated source reviews, including review assignees and comments.

1curl "" \
2  -X GET \
3  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
4  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
5  -H "Accept: application/json" \
6  -H "X-Markprompt-API-Version: 2024-05-21"

The response looks like this:

2  "object": "list",
3  "data": [
4    {
5      "id": "knowledge-id-1",
6      "title": "Add Information about Payment Resolution",
7      "originalContent": "## Payment resolution...",
8      "newContent": "## Payment resolution...\n\n@@++\n* If you are using Stripe for payment processing\n++@@\n...",
9      "reason": "It is important to explicitly inform users that...",
10      "sourceName": "File Source 1",
11      "filePath": "file-path-1",
12      "createdAt": "2025-01-12T04:40:27.000000+00:00",
13      "sources": [
14        {
15          "review": {
16            "id": "review-id-1",
17            "createdAt": "2025-01-12T04:40:31.000000+00:00",
18            "createdBy": {
19              "id": "user-id-1",
20              "email": ""
21            },
22            "comments": [
23              {
24                "id": "comment-id-1",
25                "comment": "this should have told the user...",
26                "createdAt": "2025-01-12T04:40:31.000000+00:00",
27                "createdBy": {
28                  "id": "user-id-2",
29                  "email": ""
30                }
31              }
32            ]
33          }
34        }
35      ]
36    }
37    // ...
38  ]