
Update a message


Updates a message.

Request body

Key Type Description Default
vote 1 | -1 | 0

A vote. Set to 0 to clear value.

metadata object

A metadata object.

strategy "merge" | "overwrite"

The update strategy. If set to merge, it will merge with the existing fields. If set to overwrite, it will replace the existing fields.

projectKey string

Instead of the API token, use a project key, for instance for client-facing requests.

Example request

1curl "" \
2  -X POST \
3  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
4  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
5  -H "X-Markprompt-API-Version: 2024-05-21" \
6  -d '{
7      "metadata": { "category": "payments" },
8      "vote": 1,
9      "strategy": "merge"
10    }'