
Prop Type Description
createTicket CreateTicketIntegrationOptions

Allow users to create tickets in a support system from the chat.


Prop Type Description Default
enabled boolean

Enable the create ticket feature

provider 'salesforce' | 'zendesk'

The provider to use for creating tickets.

prompt string

The prompt to use to create a summary of the conversation between user and bot for the support agent

messageText string

Default text shown at the end of a chat message.

"Need more help?"
messageButton CreateTicketIntegrationMessageButtonOptions

Options for the button shown at the end of a chat message.

form CreateTicketIntegrationFormOptions

Options for the create ticket form.

CustomCaseForm ComponentType<{ summaryData?: { subject: string; body: string }; }>

Provide a custom case form component

chat CreateTicketIntegrationChatOptions

Options for the create ticket chat.

user CreateTicketIntegrationUserOptions

User options


Prop Type


Prop Type Description Default
text string

Button text shown at the end of a message

"Create a support case"
hasIcon boolean

Show icon?

hasText boolean

Show text?
