A component that renders a chat view, with input prompt and messages.
Basic example
Component API
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
projectKey | string | The project key associated to the project. | |
apiUrl | string | The base API URL. | |
activeView | View | The active view. | |
chatOptions | UserConfigurableOptions & ChatOptions | Options for the chat component. | |
feedbackOptions | SubmitFeedbackOptions & FeedbackOptions | Options for the feedback component. | |
referencesOptions | ReferencesOptions | Options for the references component. | |
integrations | IntegrationsOptions | Options for the integrations. | |
showBack | boolean | Show back button. | true |
onDidPressBack | () => void | Handler when back button is pressed. | |
linkAs | string | ComponentType<any> | Component to use in place of <a>. | "a" |
minInputRows | number | Minimum number of rows. | 1 |
submitOnEnter | boolean | Submit on enter. | true |
branding | { show?: boolean; type?: 'plain' | 'text' } | Show the Markprompt footer. | |
display | MarkpromptOptions['display'] | The way to display the chat/search content. | "dialog" |
debug | boolean | Display debug info. | false |