
The Markprompt components are headless, and can be styled using CSS variables or Tailwind utility classes.

Default styles

To get started with a set of default styles , add the @markprompt/css package to your project:

1npm install @markprompt/css

Once installed, import the styles in the same place as the component code:

1import '@markprompt/css';
3// Component code...

Alternatively, you can import the CSS directly in your HTML from a CDN:

1<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

CSS variables

You can customize your design further by modifying the following CSS variables:

1:root {
2  --markprompt-background: #fff;
3  --markprompt-foreground: #171717;
4  --markprompt-muted: #fafafa;
5  --markprompt-mutedForeground: #888;
6  --markprompt-border: #e5e5e5;
7  --markprompt-border-accent: #cdcdcd;
8  --markprompt-input: #fff;
9  --markprompt-primary: #6366f1;
10  --markprompt-primaryForeground: #fff;
11  --markprompt-primaryMuted: #8285f4;
12  --markprompt-secondary: #fafafa;
13  --markprompt-secondaryForeground: #171717;
14  --markprompt-primaryHighlight: #ec4899;
15  --markprompt-secondaryHighlight: #a855f7;
16  --markprompt-overlay: #00000010;
17  --markprompt-ring: #b4b6f8;
18  --markprompt-radius: 0.75rem;
19  --markprompt-button-radius: 0.375rem;
20  --markprompt-text-size: 0.875rem;
21  --markprompt-text-size-xs: 0.75rem;
22  --markprompt-text-size-code: 88%;
23  --markprompt-button-icon-size: 1rem;
24  --markprompt-icon-stroke-width: 2px;
25  --markprompt-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 #0000000d;
26  --markprompt-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000;
27  --markprompt-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000;
28  --markprompt-error-background: #fef2f2;
29  --markprompt-error-foreground: #991b1b;
32@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
33  :not([data-theme='light']):root {
34    --markprompt-background: #050505;
35    --markprompt-foreground: #d4d4d4;
36    --markprompt-muted: #171717;
37    --markprompt-mutedForeground: #808080;
38    --markprompt-border: #262626;
39    --markprompt-border-accent: #444;
40    --markprompt-input: #fff;
41    --markprompt-primary: #6366f1;
42    --markprompt-primaryForeground: #fff;
43    --markprompt-primaryMuted: #8285f4;
44    --markprompt-secondary: #0e0e0e;
45    --markprompt-secondaryForeground: #fff;
46    --markprompt-primaryHighlight: #ec4899;
47    --markprompt-secondaryHighlight: #a855f7;
48    --markprompt-overlay: #00000040;
49    --markprompt-ring: #b4b6f8;
50    --markprompt-error-background: #450a0a;
51    --markprompt-error-foreground: #fecaca;
52  }

Styling components

Each component has a class name that can be used for custom styling. For instance, the avatar component has class name MarkpromptMessageAvatar, and can be customized by setting the style as follows:

1/* Your custom styling of the avatar component */
2.MarkpromptMessageAvatar {
3  color: white;
4  width: 16px;
5  height: 16px;
6  flex: none;
7  overflow: hidden;

Check out the Markprompt default styles for a full example.